F.V. Logistics

Welcome to our website

F.V. Logistics is an indigenous services and procurement company, committed to working with organization to design, develop and deploy cost effective solutions. We bring technology engineering and innovation to create integrated solutions for SMEs, Medium and Large Enterprises

Mission Statement

To provide innovative solutions that manage customer information challenges intelligently whilst reducing risks and cost effectively suit all stakeholders.

    Equipment Leasing | | Container Securing | | Container Leasing

Recent News......

We provide training to help third party contractors and supplier build the structure they need to comply with our standard. Applied has recorded no LTI (Lost Time Injury) for the past 9 Years owing to our commitment to improving HSSE




  • Creation of wooden box and leasing of oil well equipments
  • Packaging of goods for exports
  • Conveying of laden from one place to another
  • Logistics services and consultancy services

Our phylosophy.....

Mission is to empower youth to be able to stand on their own by away of impacting logistics skills bringing about a change in Organizations and Communities through technology


Picture Gallery.....



wire clips


Binding wires and clips


#9, St. Augustine Avenue Akpajo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State

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